Richard's Story

“I started woodworking about 16 years ago and ended up teaching in Woolwich and started running the workshops four or five years ago.”
Teaching people the basics gives them the opportunity to be creative, this is what Richard enjoys the most. Teaching, being your own boss and Festool organisation provides Richard with a perfect work-life balance.
“By using Festool Systainer system, it makes me organised, and everything is put away in the workshop and your home on
time – even if it’s not a power tool it is stowed away in a Systainer with the SYS roll, doesn't even break a sweat” says Richard.
“I started using Festool for its durability. On the construction site I saw tools breaking almost every day, Festool was different.
My first few purchases were the track saw and a dust extractor. This was to keep clients happy and have a safe working environment”.
Richard continues to use the Festool system and dust extraction in his studio and say this is a centric part to his workshop, there’s no atmospheric dust or wood chips when working with people standing next to each other, everyone is protected, and the space is kept tidy.