Help & Support
Popular FAQ's

Yes, after placing your order check your email for an order confirmation message from the website. This will contain important details about your order, including an order number or tracking number.

If you created an account on the website during the checkout process, log in to your account. Look for an "Order History" or "My Orders" section. This is where you can find information about your recent orders, including tracking details.

As your package moves through various stages of the delivery process, the tracking page will update to reflect its current location.

If you encounter any issues or delays, you can often contact the courier's customer support for assistance. The website's customer support may also be able to help if you have questions about your order.

Remember that tracking information might not be available immediately after you place your order. It can take some time for the shipping process to begin and for the tracking status to update.

If you can't find your tracking information or if there's a delay in updates, please reach out to our customer service team for help.

If you're not entirely satisfied with your purchase, please goto our returns page for details on how to return your item.

Once we receive the returned item, please allow up to 3 business days for us to process the refund. You will receive an email notification once the refund has been processed. Please note card transacations can take upto 7-10 days to show on your statement.

Should you need to change your order please contact us as soon as possible. After placing an order on our website an automated request is sent to our warehouse to instruct them to pack and process. We will always endeavour to try and capture and change your order before the couriers collect your parcel. The quickest method to contact us is by phone on 01934 416765.