Modern Slavery Statement
Slavery and Human Trafficking Policies
Human hand

It is the aim of our business to be compliant with the 2015 Slavery and Human Trafficking Act. We are confident that our directly owned UK businesses are free from practices covered by the Act. We are aware that risks may exist within any business and its wider supply chain and are taking the following steps to ensure that the organisations we interact with are compliant with the Act.

We ask suppliers to submit their public domain Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement to us as part of our supplier onboarding process. We have requested Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statements from all relevant suppliers and will investigate any specific indications of risk.

We ask all staff to “Whistle-blow” on any risks they may identify within the course of their work in relation to this issue. All procurement staff are fully aware of the requirements of the act and how to comply with the legislation.

slavery act 2015

Respectfully yours,

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